Sunday, November 16, 2008

Student's in Transition Conference

The Student's in Transition was hosted Nov. 8-10 at the Marriott Columbia. I wasn't able to stay the entire weekend due to other obligations due to being a RM. The Conference was very informative. I attended several sessions relative to "students in transition"

The first session was regarding Seniors in Transition by . This concept of develop programs for senior students to help transition them towards graduation was interesting. Being one of only two ugrads present. The other was from U of West Indies in Jamaica. Of all the programs U. of West Indies program seemed to be the most service learning based. But I think the individual attention that was paid to the students is attributed to the size of the institution and the programs were executed by who, I understood to be comparable to a RLC at USC.

My suggestions for USC is that a senior in transition program would be very helpful but only if presented as a session or optional seminar. I do not think enough students will register for a required class, considering the vigor of most senior schedules. Personally, I have 21hrs including two capstone courses that cover Public Relations Campaigns and Public Relations Management and I will not sit through another presentation aside for my requirements for graduation.

The conference overall was really interesting because it was the first time I really was able to converse with HESA professionals outside USC. I learned that the issues facing my insitution are similar to other insitutions. Regardless, the campus size, demographic, and socio-economic levels or region of the country student affairs professionals have to address the total needs of the student often times with limited resources.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Words for first year students

I recently came across a very positive blurb on being young, free and a student. This blurb embodies what I encourage all first year students do to when seeking to make the best experience out of his or her college experience. The author is unknown and I would not dare claim it as my own.

" live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have FUN, be CRAZY, be WEIRD. Go out and screw up! You're going to do it anyways, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn for your mistakes: find the cause of the problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human."

I would go further to say that college are the best years of your young life. What other opportunity do you have to make mistakes and it be ok. Some mistakes weigh heavier than others, but they are still just that mistakes. It is only when you fail to learn from your mistakes that the event was in vain.

Challenge yourself to step out your comfort zone and meet someone new. I have always claimed that I try to meet a new person EVERY single day, and since my junior year I have actually put it into practice. Walking up to random people has its pros and cons. Pro it has expanded my network of associates immensely. Con because I have made myself a person that can be easily identified leadership and growth opportunities avail themselves. This is a good problem to have.

Leadership on a college campus is easily acquired to those who are willing. The pool of those who are willing is shrinking faster than the minority rate at USC. I challenge you to step outside the "minority" organizations and seek opportunities elsewhere.

Essentially, have fun, make mistakes, meet do people and step out the box that your parents and rearing have formed for you until now.

Until next time.

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