Sunday, November 16, 2008

Student's in Transition Conference

The Student's in Transition was hosted Nov. 8-10 at the Marriott Columbia. I wasn't able to stay the entire weekend due to other obligations due to being a RM. The Conference was very informative. I attended several sessions relative to "students in transition"

The first session was regarding Seniors in Transition by . This concept of develop programs for senior students to help transition them towards graduation was interesting. Being one of only two ugrads present. The other was from U of West Indies in Jamaica. Of all the programs U. of West Indies program seemed to be the most service learning based. But I think the individual attention that was paid to the students is attributed to the size of the institution and the programs were executed by who, I understood to be comparable to a RLC at USC.

My suggestions for USC is that a senior in transition program would be very helpful but only if presented as a session or optional seminar. I do not think enough students will register for a required class, considering the vigor of most senior schedules. Personally, I have 21hrs including two capstone courses that cover Public Relations Campaigns and Public Relations Management and I will not sit through another presentation aside for my requirements for graduation.

The conference overall was really interesting because it was the first time I really was able to converse with HESA professionals outside USC. I learned that the issues facing my insitution are similar to other insitutions. Regardless, the campus size, demographic, and socio-economic levels or region of the country student affairs professionals have to address the total needs of the student often times with limited resources.