Monday, June 5, 2000

Cause Simon(a) says so...

Society is really interesting. Our society...across the world has developed this idea that we are capable of assigning what someone is going to grow up and become. And our actions further perpetuate the assumption of these roles. I am being very vague here with my statement. Society has determined what is a guy and what is a girl. Ok...I understand that when you are born, there are just some things that can't really be argued. Biologically there is male, female or inter sex (based on anatomical, chromosomal and hormonal characteristics) but that is a biological sex. Gender is the characteristic assigned based on external sex organs. Follow me?

Think back to the last time a friend, family member or associate was expecting a child or recently delivered a child. The first question that anyone ever ask is, "is it a boy or girl?" No one ever cares if the child is healthy, have all 10 fingers and toes...but is it a boy or a girl. Are we so caught up in buying blue for boys and pink for girls that we deny the child an opportunity to develop gender neutral. Have you ever seen little boys rough housing and justified, "boys will be boys" or "insist a little girl play with her tea set". What happens to those individuals who decide
to challenge a gender conforming expectation. What if a girl wants to rough house with the guys and if a boy wants to have a tea party. It seems to be more accepted that females are allowed to blur the gender lines a little bit. When she is young she is called a tom-boy and as she gets older there is the expectation that she will grow out of the phase a join a conforming society of expected gender roles. Guys don't have nearly as much freedom of expression

A few definitions so you can keep up with this entry.
*gender conforming- a term used to describe a person who by nature or choice conforms to gender expectations of society (genderstraight)
**gender binary- a social classification that divides gender identity into masculine and feminine with expected gender roles, gender expression and characteristics for each one
***genderqueer- term used to describe a person who crosses gender lines through appearance and behaviors without necessarily trying to pass as a different gender; also used to describe a person who challenges the gender binary and/or gender stereotypes.

No that the verbiage is out the way. A few questions or things to think on. Isn't it interesting that as a people we are so concerned with labeling something that we give things with labels more labels. Do we find comfort in the ability to explain something that we don't understand.

Back to what Simon(a) says. Males have a social expectation to be manly men. Men don't cry, show emotion, or do any other behaviors that would otherwise show them to be feminine. Has this crippled men from a inability to develop emotional responses to how they feel. if a guy tears up, not even cry how do other men view them. If a female wants to be strong and never be told never, or even play rough with the guys is she then not lady-like.

Have you ever seen someone, male or female that didn't fit the labels that society has created. Have you walked pass someone with so "funky" or "questionable" a style at first instinct it, "oh they must be gay." Do you stifle others creativity and freedom of self expression from fear of being mislabeled as something they are not. Per a earlier post. We are a people who judge quickly and do not avoid assumptions because someone doesn't fit the mold for what is "acceptable" they are automatically labeled weird.

I challenge you to step out the little box the doctor put you in many years ago and showcase the self expression that exist inside each of you. I am not telling every girl to go invest in big shirts and baggy jeans nor am I telling males to whip out the pumps. But I am challenging you to be unique, be different. be random even. And not judge others based off of what you see or think you see. You will only be limiting the potential for great lifelong relationships with people based off an expectation society has created as to the role of boys and girls.

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